الأحد، 6 مارس 2011

After 17 months

Has it really been that long?
I have disappeared from the blogging world for almost 18 months! During that time, I ‘sort of’ forgot about my blogs. I also didn’t visit any other sites in my blog list. I also stopped digital scrapbooking. And not just gradually, mind you. I made a full stop!
I think I have been overwhelmed and pressured before to keep my blogs (emphasis on the ‘s’) up-to-date constantly. I had around 5 blogs to keep track of. Very time consuming. That time, Liam was 8 months old and was crawling and learning to walk. So my attention had to be on him all the time.
And so I lived my life…off-line. Except for daily visits to my Facebook account, I stayed away the computer most of the time.
But a few weeks ago, I received a notice of renewal for my domain names. I had to decide if I wanted to renew it or stop it altogether. I thought of not renewing them and deleting all the blogs I made. So I visited the sites one last time. After visiting my sites, I also browsed my online friends’ sites. Then, I started to miss it -- blogging about my day and my experiences. I missed reading other mom’s blogs and learning new things.
So, instead of deleting all 5 blogs, I have decided to retain two. This one – about my experiences and life as a mom. And my digital scrapbooking blog. I also made a resolution to try to update these two blogs often.
But I have to take baby steps, though…Please bear with me if I won’t be able to post regularly. I am not going to pressure myself unnecessarily so I won’t promise updates regularly.
So, I will be seeing you around, then? :)

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